WoCa Textile Protection

With textile protection you can protect and impregnate outdoor textiles.

Textile Protection

for sunshades, cushions etc.

Textile Protector is used for the protection and impregnation of textiles outdoors, e.g. sunshades, cushions suéde and leather. Textile Protector makes the surface water, dirt, oil and grease resistant. Textile Protector leaves no stains and does not change the surface properties of the impregnated textile.

Please notice: Textile Protection is not longer available.

Available Pot Sizes:
400 ml colourless protection

Not required

Textile protection protects outdoor textiles

400 ml

Current recommended retail price

textile-protection können Sie online im WoCa Shop bestellen

Verarbeitung und Anwendung WoCa Textile Protection With textile protection you can protect and impregnate outdoor textiles.

How to do...

1. The textile must be completely dry and clean before the impregnation

2. Apply Textile Protector to the whole surface in an even coat at a distance of 20-30 cm.

3. Spray generously on seams and folds, as these are particularly likely to get dirty. Please note that sunshades and other large textiles should be kept unfolded until they are dry.

Drying time: Textile Protector dries at 20° C in approx. 1,5 hours.

The impregnation that will last – also after washing. However, when washed several times, the impregnation should be repeated.

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