Available Pot Sizes:
The Exterior Paint is available in the container sizes 0.75 and 2.5 liter and in the colors white, black, gray, red, cream, stone gray, anthracite, steel blue and pine green.
Paint roller or brush
0.75 l and 2.5 l in the colors white, black, gray, red, cream, stone gray, anthracite, steel blue and pine green
6-10 m2per liter
How to do...
1. Clean both new and treated surfaces carefully with the Exterior Cleaner. Remove old paint residues and sand grayish wood. Let the surface dry until the wood's humidity is at a maximum of 15%. Remove upstanding fibers with sandpaper (grit 120).
2. Apply the product only when the weather is dry. Avoid heat and direct sunlight.
3. Stir the paint carefully. For weather-beaten, softwood or very absorbent surfaces, the wood should be primed with an exterior wood primer. The paint itself should be diluted with up to 20% water. By doing so, the adhesion of the paint can be optimized.
4. Apply the paint with a paint roller or a brush evenly on the wooden surface.
5. At a temperature of about 20 ° C the color can be painted over after about 4 hours. During this time, try to protect the surface from water. Apply a second undiluted layer in order to achieve a maximum opacity. After 6 hours, the paint has dried. After 24 hours, the material is completely dry.
Please notice:
Do not ingest or inhale. Avoid skin and eye contact. Keep used tools and empty cans in a fireproof container.
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