WoCa Outdoor Wood Primer

The WOCA Outdoor Wood Primer ist a priming for all exterior wooden objects. Its suitable for many different wood types.

Outdoor Wood Primer

for priming highly absorbent exterior wood

This water-based exterior wood primer can be used for priming wooden outdoor objects such as fences or windows. The primer is suitable for wood types pine, spruce, oak and larch. Even for old pressure treated wood, except for the red cedar, the product can be used.

Available Pot Sizes:
The exterior wood primer is available in the container size 2.5 l.

Paint roller or brush

renews outdoor objects

2.5 l

8-10 m2per liter

Current recommended retail price

outdoorwoodprimer können Sie online im WoCa Shop bestellen

Verarbeitung und Anwendung WoCa Outdoor Wood Primer  The WOCA Outdoor Wood Primer ist a priming for all exterior wooden objects. Its suitable for many different wood types.

How to do...

1. Apply the product only when the weather's dry and temperature is above 15° C. Avoid heat and direct sunlight. Wood humidity should be at a maximum of 17%. For best results, the wood should be clean and dry. Therefore, remove any residues of previous wood protection products and clean the wood with the exterior cleaner. Let it dry for at least 24 hours after cleaning.

2. Apply the product with a roller or a brush. Start always at the ends of the object. Treat the object over the entire length. In this way you are able to avoid overlaps.

3. Let the treated wood dry for about 24 hours. Afterwards, it can be treated with additional outdoor products.

Please notice:
Do not breathe or swallow. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

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