Available Pot Sizes:
The Vinyl- and Lacquer Care is available in the package size 1 liter.
Mop or cotton cloth
How to do...
1. Before applying the product, clean the surface with an Intensive Cleaner and water (1:10) thoroughly. Make sure that the surface is completely dry when you apply the product.
2. Now apply the Vinyl- and Lacquer Care in a thin layer. If the mop or the cloth gets dirty, clean it with water and wring it thoroughly. Do not apply more Vinyl- and Lacquer Care when the surface startes to dry.
3. Allow the surface to dry for about 30 minutes. For regular cleaning of the treated surface, the Vinyl- and Lacquer Soap is recommended.
Please notice:
Do not inhale the product and do not swallow it. Avoid eye and skin contact.
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