WoCa Spot Remover

With the Spot Remover it is possible to remove particularly difficult spots from the wood surface.

Spot Remover

removes particularly difficult spots from the wood surface

Spot Remover effectively dissolves grease, blood, coffee, tea etc. May be used on unfi nished, soaped, oiled or waxed interior surfaces. Spot Remover is based on soap and specially developed for indoor use to remove spots from oiled wood surfaces.

Available in
Spot Remover is available in a 250 ml Spray can.

Brush, plastic bucket and floor cloths.

remove spots from wood surfaces

250 ml

current recommended retail price

spot-remover können Sie online im WoCa Shop bestellen

Verarbeitung und Anwendung WoCa Spot Remover With the Spot Remover it is possible to remove particularly difficult spots from the wood surface.

How to do...

Before using Spot Remover it is advisable to make a small test at a non-visible place of the floor to ensure that there will be no undesired reaction.

1. Spray Spot Remover evenly on the stain directly from the canister.

2. Leave the Spot Remover to dissolve the stain for 10-20 min. Now scrub with a brush till the stain has been dissolved.

3. Wipe with cloth wrung out in luke-warm water.

4. When the floor is completely dry apply the original surface finish, e.g. oil, wax or soap to re-establish
the protection of the surface.

5. Repeat operation if necessary.

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