Available in:
Master Soap is available in the container sizes of
2,5 and 5 litre containers and in the colour natural.
2 plastic buckets, mop, doodlebug, floor cloth or possibly cleaning machine.
2,5l and 5l
approx. 1l per 320-400 m²
How to do...
Mix 250 ml Master Soap with 10 l of warm water for the daily cleaning.
1. Clean the floor lenghtwise of the wood grain. It is recommended to use two buckets – one with the soap solution and one with rinse water. Use a cleaning machine if necessary.
2. It is important that no water is left on the floor. Use as little water as possibly to obtain a satisfactory result. Particularly dirty floors/stains may be cleaned with Wood Cleaner.
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weiterführende Seiten zum Thema Laugen von Holz: Verarbeitung Trip Trap Lauge
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