Please notice: The Bees Wax Fluid is not longer available. As an alternative we recommend the Bees Wax Balm.
Available Pot Sizes:
Bees’ Wax Fluid is available in natural and in the container
size 250 ml.
Soft lint-free cotton cloths for the application and lintfree
cotton cloths or polishing pad for the polishing.
approx. 400 ml per up to 8-10 m²
How to do...
1. Before the application of Bees’ Wax Fluid the wood must be clean, free from grease and completely dry. Apply Bees’ Wax Fluid with a lint-free cotton cloth in an thin and even layer.
2. After a drying time of approx. 30 minutes, the wood may be polished with a cotton cloth.
3. Buffing:
– manually with a lint-free cotton cloth or white
polishing pad.
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