Available Pot Sizes:
Bees’ Wax Balm is available in natural and white in the
container size 250 ml.
Soft lint-free cotton cloths for the application and lintfree
cotton cloths or polishing pad for the polishing.
approx. 250 ml per up to 8-10 m²
How to do...
1. Before the application of Bees’ Wax Balm the wood must be clean, free from grease and completely dry. Apply Bees’ Wax Balm with a lint-free cotton cloth in a thin and even layer.
2. After a drying time of approx. 30 minutes the wood may be polished with a cotton cloth. Tip: To obtain a hard-wearing surface rough wood may require an initial finish with Wood Floor Oil before it is treated with Bees’ Wax Balm after the drying time of the oil.
3. Bees’ Wax Balm may be applied in a thin layer for the maintenance as required and afterwards polished into the wood.
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