WoCa Active Stain

WOCA Active Stain gives oak wood a grey, modern looking surface. The not-caustic product is recommended for biological living.

Active Stain

for the treatment of untreated or fresh polished oak wood

The water-active stain reacts with the tannins in the oak wood and gives the wood's surface a modern grey color effect. The exact effect depends on the concentration of tannin in the wood and can vary. The stain is not caustic and it's recommended for biological living. The stain can not react in sapwood.

Available Pot Sizes:
The Active Stain is available in the container size 2.5 liters and in the versions 1 to 4. With Active Stain 1 you get the lightest color shade. With the versions 2, 3 and 4, the result gets always one step darker.

Roller or brush

Priming with lye

2.5 liters in the variants 1, 2, 3 and 4

approx. 1 l per 8 – 10 m²

Current recommended retail price

activestain können Sie online im WoCa Shop bestellen

Verarbeitung und Anwendung WoCa Active Stain WOCA Active Stain gives oak wood a grey, modern looking surface. The not-caustic product is recommended for biological living.

How to do...

1. Before application, the wood has to be clean and dry.

2. Apply the stain along the wood grain evenly. Use a short-haired roller or a brush for application. Use at least 1 liter of the product for every 10 m2 of wood.

3. Clean the tools thoroughly after use and let the wood surface dry completely for about 24 hours at a temperature of 20°C.

4. Remove standing wood fibers with a fine abrasive pad from the wood's surface and vacuum clean them.

5. Subsequently, treat the wood's surface with an appropriate soap, oil lacquer or oil.

Please notice:
Do not breathe in. Avoid eye and skin contact. Do not expose to high temperatures.

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