Available Pot Sizes:
The Active Stain is available in the container size 2.5 liters and in the versions 1 to 4. With Active Stain 1 you get the lightest color shade. With the versions 2, 3 and 4, the result gets always one step darker.
Roller or brush
2.5 liters in the variants 1, 2, 3 and 4
approx. 1 l per 8 – 10 m²
How to do...
1. Before application, the wood has to be clean and dry.
2. Apply the stain along the wood grain evenly. Use a short-haired roller or a brush for application. Use at least 1 liter of the product for every 10 m2 of wood.
3. Clean the tools thoroughly after use and let the wood surface dry completely for about 24 hours at a temperature of 20°C.
4. Remove standing wood fibers with a fine abrasive pad from the wood's surface and vacuum clean them.
5. Subsequently, treat the wood's surface with an appropriate soap, oil lacquer or oil.
Please notice:
Do not breathe in. Avoid eye and skin contact. Do not expose to high temperatures.
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